Generic – ‘mp’ final blend
Identify the ‘mp’ final blend in words…
Identify the ‘mp’ final blend in words…
Recognise the soft sound of the letter ‘g’….
Understand and use the suffixes -able and -ible.
Understand and use the suffixes -teen and -ty.
Summarise the main ideas of a chapter in a non-fiction book
Split words into syllables.
Count the syllables in selected words from the book
Identify synonyms.
Recognise the soft sound of the letter ‘c’….
Give reasons for my opinions about the story.
Identify and summarise the theme.
Identify the theme or main idea in the story.
Critique the vocabulary used by the author….
Identify the three letter blend ‘spr’ in words….
Identify three letter blend ‘thr’ in words.
Identify and sort words with spr, spl, str, scr and squ blends
Recognise and find three letter blends spl, tch, spr.
Understand subject specific vocabulary….
Identify rimes in words….
Recognise and use the three letter rime ent.
Understand the meaning of Latin and Greek root words
Categorize questions.
Recognize question words; who what, when, where, why and how
Recognise and use question words